Apex/Attak Fuel Adjustment Process

By: LeadDog




Apex C0 Fuel Adjust:
- Install a wire (or paperclip) from ground to the pale green wire in the connector on the left of the delta box. This wire has no mating wire in the male connector and only needs to be grounded to the Delta Box.




Enter Diagnostic mode:
- With the key and kill switch off, press and hold both "Select and Reset" buttons then power up the gauge by turning both the key and kill switch on.
- Wait 8 seconds and the gauge will go blank except for "DI" in the display.
- Press "Select" to toggle between "DI" and "C0", Select "C0".
- Press and hold both "Select and Reset" 3 seconds
- Gauge will display "C:01", (this is where you select which cylinder you want to adjust)
- Press and hold "Select and Reset" 3 seconds and 0 should appear in the odometer section
- Press "Select" to increase the number (richer), "Reset" to decrease the number (leaner)
- Example: (10 would be richer) (-10 would be leaner)
- Press both "Select and reset" to chose C:02 and adjust the same as above (must do this for each cylinder)


You will want to go RICHER (positive numbers). Generally up 10 will be enough to get past any hesitation or stumble you may run into.

Totallyamaha is not responsible for any damages that these modifications may cause to your vehicle; any modifications are your responsibility if you choose to do so. We are providing information ONLY. Some of these modifications may VOID your warranty and that is your responsibility to look into. The Totallyamaha users have passed along most of the information found on this site. If you have any questions or concerns about anything on this site talk to your dealer before using any of the information. Totallyamaha will not be liable for any damages or personal injury from any modification performed from this site.